I am on a writing sabbatical on the southeastern Caribbean island of St. Vincent. It is the beginning of November which is the end of hurricane season. My cottage has a view of the ocean in an isolated part of the island. There are only four houses in view and six neighbors: 2 Vincentians, a Jamaican, a Canadian and 2 ex-pat gringos. They've all lived through hurricanes. I haven't.
There is a storm raging. As the wind and rain increase in intensity, they tell me that St. Vincent is in the path of hurricane Lenny. I have no TV so they are my weather forecasters and news reporters. This hurricane, they say, is not following the only known pattern of hurricanes: coming from the southeast. It is the first hurricane ever to begin inside the Gulf of Mexico to the west and move eastward. And I got to experience it.
The government of SVG (St. Vincent and the Grenadines) had just completed a beautiful new tourist dock and harbor shopping complex. It had not yet been dedicated when Lenny struck with wave action in the opposite direction of what it was built for. It was destroyed before it saw its first cruise ship.
"Human memory goeth not to the contrary" is a phrase used by Dean Angus McSwain in my Property I class at Baylor Law School. It means we can't remember a time when it wasn't like it is now. Until Lenny. It seems we are now living in times of unprecedented unpredictability everywhere . . . and therefore (according to quantum thought) unprecedented potential.
I'd had an Aha! at the Sundance conference. It was an insight on how chaos can work for us. It was triggered by Dr. Prigogine's work on unpredictability and non-linearity. In 1977 Dr. Prigogine turned classical thermodynamics on its ear with his Theory of Dissipative Structures. The Second Law of Thermodynamics basically says that heat only goes spontaneously from an object of hotter temperature to an object of colder temperature. In a simple gloomy metaphor, it says the earth is like a mechanical clock that has been wound up. It is slowly winding down, stagnating and dying -headed for 'heat death'. Dr. Prigogine said: Not necessarily so. He proved, and received the Nobel Prize for showing, that some systems can, in fact, develop in an upward spiral of ever-increasing complexity.
He put a Bunsen burner under a beaker of clear liquid and added new chemicals. When confronted with enormous rapid change, the system fell apart as predicted. But then, instead of dying, this 'chemical clock' spontaneously turned from blue to red to clear again as millions of molecules instantaneously rearranged themselves. Yes, the chaos had blown the system apart. But instead of disintegrating, the system came together at a higher level of complexity.
Thanks to Dr. Prigogine's work, we can now see chaos as a catalyst that allows us to fall apart so that we can come back together at a higher level. That transformed system is now more complex, more diverse, more resilient than the old form.
Prigogine's Theory of Dissipative Structures (greatly simplified) goes like this. A living system gets new information (Energy Rich Input or ERI) from its surroundings. The new information upsets the system because it doesn't have any place to put this previously unknown 'stuff'. This stress on the system causes waves of agitation ('perturbation' in Prigogine's words). The agitated waves run into themselves (feedback), increasing the shakeup until the system is frantic.
During the chaos, a human system can react either as a system that values stability (an 'S' system) or as a system that values balance (a 'B' system). A balance-seeking or B system has high energy exchange: lots of information and energy flowing in, around and out. A stability-seeking or S system has a low energy exchange. It gets a lot of ERI and holds onto it, creating a blockage or energy build-up.
When the chaotic energy has stretched the system to its max, it reaches its Tolerance Boundary - the point beyond which the system cannot stretch. (We've all been there.) And the system explodes. Prigogine calls this the 'bifurcation point'. 'Bi' means 'two' as in bicycle with two wheels; and 'furcation' means 'fork'. The explosion brings the system to a fork in the road and it can go one of two ways.
The system will break apart, disintegrate and die. Or, it will 'snap' instantly to a new, higher level of structure now able to handle more ERI.
Below is the Kirk Model of Chaos applying Prigogine's Theory of Dissipative Structures to social systems. Dr. Prigogine says, "As humans, we are the best expressions of natural laws." This model applies his revolutionary scientific theory to human systems: individuals, families, corporations, nations. It has meaning for us personally, professionally, and organizationally. This first example is for a corporate system.
Figure 1
Kirk Model of Chaos (KMC)
The first part of the chaos cycle.
Figure 1 shows the first part of the chaos cycle. The existing system receives Energy Rich Input from the environment outside the system. For a corporation, this can be: expansion of markets; technological improvements; change in regulation/legislation; competitor's new strategy; global political events; litigation; merger/acquisition; etc. The energy rich input does not find places waiting to receive it. It's an uninvited guest crashing the party. It doesn't fit into the existing structure of the system. Its entrance into the system with no place to go puts the system into agitation, or 'perturbation' as Prigogine labeled it. The agitation is gentle at first, but the effect of feedback loops feeding back in on themselves continues to increase the disturbance of the existing system.
Figure 2
Kirk Model of Chaos (KMC), second part.
Reactions to agitation caused by the ERI.
Figure 2 shows the different ways that a living system can react to the agitation caused by the ERI. The right vertical dotted line shows the range of movement within the living system. It's the scale of balance or stability called the Equilibrium Scale.
Look at the bottom ½ of the figure, below the word AGITATION. It shows a system which is closest to stability. It has minimum movement. It is close to stagnation (entropy), which is closest to death. It does not have a lot of energy flowing through it, similar to a cold cup of coffee. These systems are: stagnant, clogged, suspended, moldy, monotonous, rigid, etc.
Now look at the top half of the figure. It shows a system that is in, or seeking, balance. It is at the other end of the movement scale. It has lots of energy moving around in it. A system seeking balance is: agile, active, moving, energetic, responsive, adapting, etc.
Figure 3 - Kirk Model of Chaos (KMC)
The system at explosion point.
Figure 3 shows the end of the chaos cycle. At the height of agitation, the frantic energy is banging against the Tolerance Boundaries. The system cannot hold any more shakeup, and it explodes. This is the bifurcation point. This explosion allows the system to go in one of two directions. One, the system experiences a breakdown or dis-integration where the fiber of the former structure shatters and the pieces blow out and fall in a heap. Or, two, the system experiences a snap, an instant transformation to a higher, more complex structure. This new form is now able to handle the increased ERI.
Figure 4
KMC with sound and fury.
Once more, with feeling!
The First Law of Thermodynamics says that energy is neither created nor destroyed. It is only converted or transformed. So energy is not destroyed in either breakdown or transformation. When the system breaks down, energy is released and scattered. This energy is wasted because it does not directly produce growth. It doesn't contribute to a higher living form. But the energy, which is scattered during transformation, comes back together at a higher level and does directly contribute to the growth of the system. In the case of transformation, the energy is most efficiently used to grow the system. In the case of breakdown, there is wasted energy.
Just as with the ELM Spectrum, the energy in the system has two forms: one form is the physical, solid, visible stuff - the material elements. The other form is the non-physical, invisible, energetic substance - the pattern. The pattern is the memory blueprint. It is an energetic web or matrix. Think of it as an invisible vibrating spider web giving off a frequency that signals the explosion-scattered elements. Those elements that are vibrating at the same frequency will be drawn to the newly forming system. Those that aren't will drift and fall.
A corporate example of this is a railroad company in the 1950's. We'll call it Land R&R. Their system has been thrown into chaos by the ERI of airplanes as commercial carriers not just military hardware. Land R&R becomes frantic as competition increases, clients desert them and revenues fall. Those elements (people) stuck in Stability mentality are in denial, "Don't worry. Planes are too dangerous, too expensive. People will never use them." Those who accept the inevitable competition are saying, "Buy more land. Lay more track. Build bigger trains."
But somewhere in BalanceLand, someone is thinking systemically, rising above the maddening crowd and looking at the big picture. They get an 'Aha!' "Might it be that we're not in the railroad business? Might it be that we're in the transportation business!" As the railroad company goes bankrupt (explosion point), two things happen. There were those who only knew, thought or invested their energy in railroads. They will disintegrate and fall in a heap among other bitter, angry, resentful 'victims' of the growing air industry. But those who are excited about being in the transportation business will be getting together. A new company, AirTrack is born. It is full of the former employees of Land R&R who are adaptive, lateral thinkers, big picture people. They succeed because their goal is to give great transportation service and they have experience in service. They have self-selected from among the shattering pieces because of their sympathetic vibrations. They come together because they know they belong together. *
*This insight is from Albie Merrill, a friend and colleague at Boeing. I had asked, 'But WHY do these pieces come together again at a higher level after explosion?" Albie simply said, "Because they know they belong together." Her answer triggered my ruminations on how it looks energetically when things "know they belong together".
So, the next obvious question is, "How can we get transformation instead of collapse?" Fritjof Capra's answer to that question is the heart of the significance of the chaos model. Nature doesn't give guarantees. But, according to Fritjof, "the history of the organism (system) tends to be determinative at the bifurcation point."
What does the history of a system look like? Can we consciously choose that history in ways that will favor growth not death? Can we hedge our bets? If so, how?
To answer these questions, I relied on the Bucky Fuller approach of using myself as the guinea pig. Since I am a living system, what did my history look like? My history began at eighteen when I started making my own significant life choices. I like the image of altars that mark the significant events in our lives. This metaphor was given to me by my friend Rev.Lark Hapke. She was talking about Sarah and Abraham wandering in the desert with the Israelites. Wherever they stopped and spent a part of their lives, they would build an altar. Through the decades, they could look back on where they'd been, figuratively speaking, by looking back at the places they'd built altars in the desert.
As I looked at the altars of my own history, I realized that the external actions were only the results. The real history was what was happening inside me that made me make the choices I made. I then began looking at my emotional development as my history. What were the psychological motivators for each action I'd taken?
Look back at KMC #3. Look at the space between the uprights of the goal posts. (For the sports-challenged, that's the two dotted vertical lines.) This space is the 'cooking time.' The cooking time begins when the ERI enters the system and ends at explosion. An orderly, good-running system is like a pan of cold water sitting on a stove. The entry of ERI information is like turning the burner on under the pan. The water goes from cold to cool to warm to hot. Bubbles appear on the bottom. Then they turn loose of the bottom, float to the top and break the surface, causing a ripple. The size and speed of the bubbles builds, increasing the turmoil in the water. When it reaches a rolling boil, the explosion point comes. One of two things happens at this bifurcation point. (1) Your pot boils over (if you cook like I do) spilling out of the system; or (2) the water evaporates, "dissipates" to use Prigogine's word. The boiled-over water represents the lost or wasted energy. The steam represents the transformation. The water has turned into a gas which is now able to handle more ERI, or heat.
The cooking time is critical in the chaos process. It is the history of the system. It is the time period where our decisions make the patterns that can decide the outcome at the explosion point. It is the blueprint that will sustain itself or vanish after the explosion. If the patterns are clear and strong then the memory of the pattern will magnetize the scattered elements back to each other. They will regroup in ways that are better suited to the new conditions. What results is stronger for the new environment. Voila! A sustainable system.
Since Fritjof says the history of the organism tends to be the determining factor whether I transform or breakdown, I looked at the places where I had crashed and burned. (An interesting note is that it was much easier for me to identify the burnouts than the transformations.) Those breakdowns were: after five years as a lawyer at the Solicitor's Office; after three years in Moscow; after Frank's illness and death; after eight years at BCAL; after five months at Arroyo Beach Resort (living in AC in a gated, manicured community instead of my open air jungle home). What were the unhealthy choices I'd made 'during the cooking time' that ended my chaos in burnout in each case? What I saw was a pattern of specific personal behaviors that determined I was headed for breakdown:
an on-going need for excitement and adventure (constant action and diversion);
a need to be seen as unique, special (self-centered, attention-seeking);
a need to do things differently, be a pioneer (lots of struggle);
an attitude of total self-reliance, "I'll do it myself, thank you." (extreme independence and self-sufficiency )
the inability to ask for help, to admit I was in over my head, to tell myself I didn't know what I was doing (driven to appear competent)
cutting myself off from friends, family; not asking for input from those who knew and loved me; resistance to hearing input (isolation);
fear of embarrassment and/or public humiliation (pride and vanity);
fear of disappointing people who (I thought) wanted me to be something I wasn't (pretending, pleasing);
afraid to leave the familiar even though it was hurting me because I didn't know what else to do, where to go, how to earn money (controlled by a need for financial security);
being in selfless service; giving 90% of my personal energy away to another person, cause or organization (rescuing; co-dependency; lack of life balance)
Here's the chaos model showing my history. It's a summary of the patterns in my system's history that have caused me breakdown. This shows the Chaos Model for a personal system, as opposed to the ones above that are for a corporate system. (Patterns that tend to cause transformation come in later chapters. We'll take the bitter pill first, and have dessert later.)
Figure 5
KMC as a personal chaos model
Now look at your own history, either personally or organizationally. Where are the places you had burnout or breakdown? What were the behaviors that led to it?
When did you have transformations? What were you doing during the time of agitation, the 'cooking time' that contributed to your transformation?
Look at the patterns you held to from the time the new information first hit you until the explosion point. Those patterns are the history that can determine whether you breakdown or transform after you explode. Every system will explode. It means the system is changing, reaching for the opportunity to grow. But every system will not disintegrate. The system can transform if the patterns are strong enough to draw it together again.
A pattern is a repeated behavior. Ask yourself, "What things do I do consistently when my environment is shook up?" Especially, "What are my patterns when I am stressed?" The bottom line is, when you get stressed, do you reach for Stability or can you 'hang loose' and seek Balance?
Reaching for stability during chaos looks like this. "Why can't we just keep things the way they were?" "I KNOW what is RIGHT!" "I'm the boss, do it my way." "Follow the rules." ""I want to get this done, NOW!" "Don't ask questions." "Move over. I'll do it." "I don't see any problem." "I'm fine. Leave me alone." "It's your fault. You should have. . . " "Ignore it. It'll go away." "It's hopeless. I'm doomed."
The more you insist on stability, the more rigid your system is. A rigid system shatters at explosion. Think of a glass Christmas ornament. What happens when you hit it with a bat (new energy rich information coming into the system fast)?
On the other hand, seeking Balance during chaos looks like this. "Uh-oh, something's happening here." "Hey, maybe this is different than last time." "So, what do you think?" "Are there other solutions I haven't thought of?" "Why do you think this is happening?" "What am I doing that works? What am I doing that doesn't work?" "Who do I know that I can ask to help me with this?" "I know life will look better tomorrow." "Am I breathing, staying calm, paying attention to what really matters to me?" "Am I open to the possibilities that can come out of this?" "Do I accept that I may need to do some changing?" "What could be the message in this situation for me?" "What can I learn from this?" "Can I accept that action, even if I don't agree with it?" And, of course, the ultimate and rarely- seen response to chaos, "Wow! What an opportunity!"
The more you allow the flow of events to move through you or by you without getting hooked into the emotions and holding onto the dramas, the more flexible you stay. Forgiveness. Adaptability. Acceptance. Openness. Receptivity. Staying present. Responsiveness. Valuing relationship more than being right. Breathing. All are important if you want to maintain your balance during chaos. But remember, it is a balance far from equilibrium. There will be moments (hours? days? weeks?) when you do not feel in balance. In the long run, your system is in balance. The more flexible you stay, the faster your system can respond. Think of the rigid glass ball and the bat. Now think of a willow branch. What happens when you hit it with a baseball bat? It's the same energy rich information coming into a system at the same speed. Does the willow branch shatter? Why not?
Below is your own personal chaos model. Think of a time when you were in rapid change. Print out the KNC and fill it in. What was the new information (Energy Rich Input) that came into your system? What did the agitation look like? What were your responses that were Stability seeking? What were your responses that were Balance seeking?
Figure 6
My Personal Chaos Model
After you've filled in your Chaos Model, take your journal and write about these questions. As you're doing it, remember, nature doesn't do Good/Bad, Right/Wrong. Try simply being a silent witness to your actions without judging them. Look at them as if you are watching a play about someone else's life, and ask, "What could s/he learn from this scenario? What could s/he do different that might give a different result?" (You are allowed to say ugly things about the star of the show only if you're laughing while doing it.) When you're really proud of yourself, you get to give yourself the Academy Award for Best Screenplay.
What did you feel like when your system reached its Tolerance Boundary (total chaos, just before explosion)?
What did the Explosion Point feel like?
What were the two paths you could have taken at the bifurcation (Explosion Point)? Did you disintegrate or transform?
What patterns did you form during the cooking time that could have determined that result?
The difference between a comedy and a tragedy is that
in a comedy the characters figure out reality
in time to do something about it.
-- Bennett W. Goodspeed
Remember the fate of Land R&R? Look at Figure 4 above. What if you are an S (stability-seeking person) and you are in a B (balance-seeking) system? For example, you are a fifty year old WASP, you like tradition, consistency, rules, regular hours, clear job description. Your company has just been bought by ZippyCo. ZippyCo's President and CEO is twenty-five years old. She (oh, yes!) declares flex time, everyone's their own boss, the team determines pay and promotions, all projects are group efforts, etc. What may happen to you?
Or suppose you are a B in an S family? You dad has worked in the same factory for 25 years and your mother is a homemaker. They were both born in the same small mid-western town you are growing up in. Your older brother and sister both got married after high school, and are now raising their families. Their social life centers around the church and town you grew up in. At age twelve, you announced you were vegetarian, you love theater and dance, and your dream is to study in New York. What will happen to you when the family goes into crisis about your choice to leave home after high school?
There's a great thing about being different from the sub-system you are in. At the explosion, you get to join a group of people who are like-spirited. An S will find other S's around them. A B will find they are now with B's. Your frequencies will draw you to a system more like you than your previous system. You'll now get to hang out with folks more like yourself. Even when the rest of the system crashes, you can transform. And when the rest of the system transforms, you can crash.
The bad news in chaos is that we can't control the whole, the Event. The good news is that we can control ourselves, our Response. We do that by choosing how we react to situations. The simple equation is E + R = O.
Event + Response = Outcome
A simple memory tool for this is to remember that you are the (h)ERO of your own life's journey, because for every Event, it is your Response that decides the Outcome for you.
And there is always choice. You always have the free will to decide how you will react to what happens to you. Always.
For those who disagree, read Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl. In the hell of a Nazi concentration camp, Frankl maintained his heart, his humanity and his life. Even surrounded by death and dehumization, we can choose how we meet it.
One of my first life teachers was Rev. Evan Hodkins. He talked about fate and free will in a metaphor that I now call the Loom of Life. Life is like a weaver's loom. The vertical, fixed strands of the warp are Fate. They are set in place in our lives and we cannot change them: taxes, death, earthquakes, wars and Acts of God. But life also gives us Free Will. We can choose the color, size, and texture of the yarn that we put on the shuttle to weave through the warp strands. Do we choose natural fiber or synthetic? Ribbons or plastic? How often do we go into the vertical 'givens', and how many do we glide over? The colors, patterns and quality of the final tapestry are the result of both destiny and our choices.
Figure 7
Loom of Life
Choice is the key. Over the years, I've become pretty good a manifesting. I know that my life depends on my choices, and on how clear, vivid and committed I am about those choices. My tutor in Manifestation 101 was a close friend, Norma Johnson. When I'd find myself in pain, I'd call Norma to help me design my way to something better in my life. I call her my Interior Designer. I always knew what I didn't want. "I don't want a man who: (fill in the blank) is sexist; is bigoted; is insecure; is needy; is overweight, lives in front of the TV, etc., etc., etc."
Norma would smile after I listed each complaint. She'd quietly say, "So, what do you want?" And she'd stick with me until I could say in positive words what I did want: "I want a man who loves my emotions, brain, body and spirit. I want a man who responds to people based on who they are inside. I want a man who knows that what he puts in his mouth determines what his body looks like. I want a man who is open-minded, playful, exploring, creative. . . who likes cats."
Now, my Norma-mantra back to myself every time I'm dissatisfied, is, quietly, "What do I want?"
The home I live in now is a direct result of choosing what I wanted long before the explosion point, and staying focused intently on exactly what I wanted in my next home. See Appendix A for the list I made as I was looking for my next home, which I knew I wanted in the Caribbean.
The Australian Aborigines use a similar approach to life. What I know of their way of life comes from the experience of Marlo Morgan, a sister Kansan who I've had the pleasure of meeting. (I highly recommend her books Mutant Message and Message from Forever.) I doubt that the Aborigines call it manifestation. They might call it positive focus. The Aborigines don't waste their time or precious energy being against something. They know that you give power to what you focus on, negatively or positively. They chose what they do want to have happen and then work for that. I love a quote from the Dalai Lama. He says, "I do not know whether our work (to free Tibet from the Communist Chinese) will prevail. I do not do it because I know we will succeed. I do it because it makes me feel good. It is the right thing for me to do."
One more word on the KMC. Stability is not 'bad'. It comes off in the model as the contributor to breakdown, but breakdown isn't 'bad' either. Ann Jaramillo, a Denver consultant and colleague, pointed out, "The parts in the breakdown pile recycle around and become ERI for another system somewhere else." And breakdown is a time that can be tremendously rich in learning. It is the quiet time, the retreat into the cave, the mountaintop, the lake. After we lick our wounds, we ask ourselves, "Where did I go wrong?" Better said, "What can I learn from this?" Because nature doesn't have Right/Wrong, Good/Bad, Should have/ Shouldn't have. Nature only has "What works?" And, as Meg Wheatley points out, it isn't even "What works best?" Nature doesn't care if it's the best solution. If it's a solution that works, nature uses it.
I affect my reality. You affect your reality. Our world responds to us by giving to us what we expect to see. The observer is the observed.
A speck of light energy known as a photon will show up as either matter (particle) or energy (wave) depending on what the observer expects it to be. This speck of energy knows what it is expected to be and it becomes that. That means a photon is conscious. It's at this point that Niels Bohr's insight helps: "Those who are not amazed by quantum don't understand it." Susan Cravey, a friend of mine here on the island says, "Once you understand quantum, you realize that it's all possible. Anything is possible. Anything. And it's not pop psychology. It's Science telling us this."
The bottom line of quantum puts the responsibility for your life squarely on your shoulders. It is the end of the age of victim hood. What you have in your life is what you have created in your life. You have called it into your life, consciously or unconsciously, by your expectations, your desires, what you focus on. Your life is your making.
Chaos provides us with the raw materials. Every piece of ERI that comes into our system gives us the opportunity to decide how to react. There is no such thing as negative information in a system dedicated to learning and growing. It gives us the chance to set in motion a pattern of behavior that will serve us or harm us. Every explosion is rich with new beginnings. Chaos stirs the pot, brings all the options to us and swirls them around us.
But chaos does not choose for us. We choose. The power of choice is our divine human birthright. We do have free will, and it does create our reality. In the midst of terror and panic, we can be tranquil. In the middle of hatred and violence, we can be calm and use our hearts. In ugliness, we can find beauty. In despair, we can trust.
The message of quantum is freeing and magnificent: There is always choice. Always. And it always counts. Always.
I. Chaos in Nature A. Hurricane Lenny first hurricane from the east moving west B. These are unprecedented times - we haven't seem anything like it before. C. Quantum says that the unpredictable is rich with potential.
II. Dr. Ilya Prigogine's Theory of Dissipative Structures A. Noble Prize for Chemistry in 1977 B. Showed that systems can develop in an upward spiral or increased complexity, contrary to the Second Law of Thermodynamics (heat, on its own, only goes down the energy ladder). C. Showed that chaos is a catalyst that allows systems to fall apart in order to come back together at a high, more complex level.
III. Kirk Model of Chaos A. Based on Dr. Prigogine's Theory of Dissipative Structures B. KMC Part 1 1. Beginning of chaos cycle 2. ERI (Energy Rich Input) comes into the system and has nowhere to go 3. The loose ERI runs around and creates waves of agitation in the system 4. The waves bump into themselves (feedback) creating increased agitation. C. KMC Part 2 1. Middle of cycle - tension's building 2. There is a range of reactions to the agitation (Equilibrium Scale) a. Stability-seeking "S" reactions: minimum movement, maximum stagnation/entropy b. Balance-seeking "B" reactions. maximum movement, minimum entropy (Remember, it's 'balance far from equilibrium'. I know, tough concept.) D. KMC Part 3 1. Explosion Point - Kablooie! 2. Agitation finally breaks the Tolerance Boundary and the system explodes. 3. Bifurcation point means the exploded system has 2 (bi) ways to go a. Breakdown where the energy is released and scattered = wasted energy b. Transformation where the energy reforms, attracts back to itself those elements vibrating at the higher, more complex level - new form is able to handle more ERI than previous system. 4. Classic example of those in the railroad business (S folks) and those in the transportation business (B folks)
IV. The History of the Organism A. "The history of the organism (system) tends to be determinative at the bifurcation point", according to Fritjof Capra. B. The system's history is the actions/reactions that happen during the Agitation (after ERI comes in and before Explosion Point). . .the space between the goalposts - the vertical bars in the KMC. C. Author as guinea pig: What emotional patterns motivated the decisions that resulted in breakdown? D. The emotional patterns/ patterns of action during the cooking time are the system's history that can determine whether it breaks down or transforms. E. The system (personal or organizational) can transform if the patterns are strong enough to draw elements together again after the explosion point. F. Your own personal Chaos Model
V. Misfits in the System A. Balance-seeking person in a Stability-seeking system B. Stability-seeking person in a Balance-seeking system C. At explosion, you get to join a group of people like yourself. 1. When a S system crashes, B's can transform. 2. When a B system transforms, an S person can crash.
VI. Choice A. Event + Response = Outcome (You are the (h)ERO of your own life journey.) B. Loom of Life 1. Free Will - the Choices of our divine birthright 2. Fate - the Givens 3. The final tapestry of our life is the weaving together of what fate gives us and what we choose to make of it. C. Manifestation 101 1. What do I want? 2. What do I want? 3. What do I want?
VII. The Magic of Quantum A. I affect my reality: the observer is the observed B. Photons, basic elements of ELM energy, are conscious. They know what we are expecting or choosing and they become that. C. End of the age of victim hood D. Your life is your making
VII. It's All Choice A. Chaos presents the options but doesn't choose B. We choose, consciously or unconsciously, by our free will actions. C. The message of quantum 1. There is always choice. Always. 2. It always counts. Always.