Chapters 1 and 2
(Energy and Systems)

This is what a piece of wave energy
(hugely magnified) looks like

here - - ^-- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -^
to here is one wave or cycle or frequency.
Frequencies are measured in Hertz (Hz), or number of
waves per second. They can be high frequency
with lots of waves per second, Like this:

Or they can be low, with few cycles
per second, like this:

The height of the wave is voltage. A
wave can be high voltage:

Or it can be low voltage:

The power behind a wave is called
amperage. Waves can have lots of power behind them:

Or a little power behind them.

A wave's vibration can be smooth:

Or it can be angular:

A wave can have a regular pattern:

Or it can have an irregular pattern:

To keep it simple here (and with apologies to the
scientists) the combination of the speed, height,
power, smoothness and regularity is called
vibration. A vibration is the resulting pattern of
all the variables. There are zillions of
combinations of these functions. So there are
literally an endless number of vibrations.
Everything (above the basic simple elements) has its
own unique vibrational fingerprint. That energy
fingerprint is created from the infinite
combinations of limitless vibrations. So you are
vibrationally unique. That’s important to remember.
It’s the basis of fine tuning your magnetic
attraction and broadcasting. It’s also important in
your ability to transform during chaos. (More on
that later.)
Remember the ELM Spectrum at the beginning of
Chapter 1? Remember the little slit of visible
frequencies that make up what we see as light? At
the top of the visible spectrum is violet. It
vibrates the fastest. At the bottom of visible light
is red which vibrates the slowest. If energy is
vibrating faster than violet, we can’t see it. If
it’s vibrating slower than red, we can’t see it. The
energy we can’t see is called non-physical. It’s
real, just not visible to the eye.

Just like with colors, physical objects have
lower/slower vibrations and higher/faster
vibrations. A mold’s vibrations are slower than a
goldfish’s which are slower than a human’s.
* 77 KHz ~ 900 KHz (kilohertz)
1000 KHz ~ 1300 KHz
* 1520 KHz ~ 9460 KHz
* (Side note: This is how frequency health devices
work. They use low voltage that is safe for humans
and they send out frequencies (Hertz) that match the
pathogens. This electronically ‘zaps’ and
kills the pathogens without interfering with or
harming the human body.)
Emotions have unique vibrations just like colors and
physical objects do. These emotional vibrations also
go from higher/faster to lower/slower. When you are
laughing and having fun, your body’s vibrations are
lighter (higher and faster). When you are tired and
sick your vibrations are heavier (slower and lower).
You know how when you are in love, you feel
“energized”, “high”, like you’re “walking on a
cloud?” That’s because your emotions are literally
adding voltage and power, lightening your body. And
when you’re negative and depressed, you feel
sluggish, “feeling low,” “heavy”. “I’m down today.”
Your emotional vibrations are giving your body a
slower, lower vibration. This is not speaking
metaphorically. This is scientifically measurable. (Molecules
of Emotion by Dr. Candace Pert and HMI
www.heartmath.org )

Feeling love and other positive feelings
0.10 – 0.15 Hz * |
Feeling negative feelings
0.01 – 0.08 Hz * |
* Entrainment frequencies as measured on Power
Spectrum Graph, HeartMath Institute research
For those of you who are math-challenged, these
measurements mean that when we feel love we vibrate
at a higher frequency. When we feel negative
feelings we vibrate at a lower frequency. In
addition to measuring them, we can also take
pictures of these emotional vibrations. Kirlian
photography shows our energy field and the effect
our emotions have on our bodies. (http://www.kirlian.org/kirlian.htm
(for photos, go to this site and scroll down to the
3 frames of orange-red pictures. Can you copy 2 on
left side into this?)
photograph of fingers of 2 people thinking
negative thoughts about each other |
photograph of fingers of same 2 people thinking
positive thoughts about each other |
We can take these pictures and measure our body’s
frequencies because human beings are electromagnetic
(ELM) energy. And our ELM energy vibrates or pulses.
With every pulse, your ELM energy both broadcasts
and attracts. Your energy field transmits your
vibrations and magnetizes other similar vibrations
into your energy field. You are constantly
broadcasting your own energy and attracting other
Like a satellite dish, the direction you turn
determines what comes into the dish of your energy
field. What you attract into your field is your
energetic food. It is literally what you are feeding
yourself. Again, this is not speaking
metaphorically. This is scientifically measurable in
the good ol’ Newtonian way.
phrase ‘garbage in, garbage out’ takes on new
meaning. Understanding this gives us clear choices
if we want to choose health and well-being. Remember
“Choice counts. Always.” The choice of where you
look shapes you. You are choosing the make-up of
your body by what you digest energetically just like
what you eat by mouth affects your body. Simple
choices profound results. Do you choose to focus:
On the trash in the gutter, or the blossoms on the
trees? On the criticism of Funky Francis, or on
the cooperation offered by Creative Kim? On pain
and suffering, or on health and happiness?
While trash is visible to us in the ELM,
criticism and failures are non-physical vibrational
realities that are absorbed by our body. They are
just as real as the physical food eaten by mouth.
Negative emotions pollute our body just like junk
food. Positive emotions nurture our body just like
gourmet health food.
When you absorb a frequency into your
energetic body over along period of time, it
permanently contributes its resonance to you.
Remember how magnets are made? A constant intake of
a certain frequency literally magnetizes your body
to that frequency.

Whether you are the small satellite dish of Rose
Oliver or the large satellite dish of ORB, Inc., the
same energetic laws are operating.
Chapters 3 and 4
(Chaos and Uniqueness)
This is what a system in chaos looks
like at explosion point from an energy perspective.
Remember from Chapter 3 and the Kirk Model of Chaos
that there are Stability-seeking (S) parts
and Balance Far From Equilibrium-seeking (B)
parts. (And remember that ‘part’ really means
The Stability-seeking units are
non-communicating, rigid, angular, brittle, thick,
non-porous, tight, etc. They have little energy
because they are closest to entropy/death. They have
low/no vibration.
The Balance-seeking units are brushing
up against each other and communicating, flexible,
responsive, etc. They are vibrating a lot because
they have more energy.
Think of this model as You in Chaos.
This is your emotional body at the point of
explosion. You have both S parts and B
Ready? Go!
You in Chaos
At Explosion Point
The energy you feed your system
determines the vibrational resilience at the
explosion point. If you feed a human system blame,
shame, criticism, ugliness, anger, hate, violence,
you get a system that is fearful, closed, withdrawn,
rigid, weak. That brittleness translates to
disintegration at explosion point.
If you feed the system encouragement, delight, joy,
playfulness, you get a Balance-seeking system that
is fluid, open, responsive, flexible . . . that at
explosions point can transform, reform to a higher
vibration, more complex, more capable of handling
more new information (ERI.) It now has higher
capacity. The deadwood (lower vibrating stuff) that
was slowing it down is gone. The new form is made up
of higher frequency stuff that is more fluid and
receptive. It can expand and take in more energy
without exploding.
clearer you are about your uniqueness, who you are
(and aren’t), the stronger your vibrational message
is and the better your chances are of finding (being
vibrationally attracted to) similar people/systems
(like-minded, like-spirited) after explosions.

Preview of
coming events:
Chapter 5: The
Quantum Event
There is new
research in the Unified Field Theory arena. (That’s
the one that gave Einstein his
pulling-the-hair-out-of-my-head coif in his later
years. See below.) The new research says, and
allegedly proves, that the unifying force is . . .
(drum roll. . . . . . . Ta-dah!!!!!!!)
Consciousness. This will be explored along with
the question “What creates a quantum event?”
Einstein with his
Unified Field Theory hairdo |
Chapter 6: Toolbox for
How to work with your
energy system to get the results you want.